About Me

Health & Wellness Coach

After working with Weight Loss clients for 6 years, I realized that it is not always just about food or even habits and choices. Therefor I decided to study further in Functional Medicine to help people get to the root cause of their weight and health concerns. If you don’t get to the root cause of your weight issues, you will probably be on some form of diet for the rest of your life without seeing success and without feeling well. it doesn’t have to be that way. 

More about me!

I grew up in South Africa, lived in Asia and finally settled in the USA. I love being out in nature. My friends know that I love healthy food, love helping people on their health journey and love learning new things. Most people don’t know that we live in the country with 20 chickens, 2 goats, 6 ducks, 2 dogs and a “stuck up” cat! I am a farm girl to the core! I wanted  to be a child psychologist, but somehow always landed jobs in the health care system. Currently I am continuing my studies in Functional Medicine in order to better help my clients. I am a life long learner!! My favorite color is green, I have 3 children and my favorite meal is a good South African ox tail! 


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